Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis is a literary editor and translator from French and Portuguese into English. She has translated Stendhal, Verne, Marcel Aymé, Violette Leduc, Emmanuelle Pagano, Colette Fellous, Leïla Slimani, Sheyla Smanioto and João Gilberto Noll, among others. In 2018 her translation of Noémi Lefebvre’s Blue Self-Portrait was shortlisted for the Scott Moncrieff and Republic of Consciousness prizes. Her translation of This Tilting World by Colette Fellous was shortlisted for the 2021 NSW Translation Prize.

Related articles and media:
Notes on Craft’ for Granta.
Translating Emergencies’ for PEN Transmissions.

‘The translation here is by Sophie Lewis and it is luminous.’
Times Literary Supplement, on This Tilting World by Colette Fellous

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